Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay the $50 Volunteer Fee?

The Volunteer fee is only required for dance students who will be performing in the year-end show.

You can the fee upfront via etransfer or cash or you can write a post-dated check for April 15th.  Once you have volunteered the fee will be reimbursed or the check will be torn up. See the Studio Policies information sheet for more information (listed under the documents tab)

What is the difference between Acro and Tumbling?

This is a very common question. Acro and Tumbling share similar skill sets.  Tumbling and acrobatic dance (or acro for short) are very different in how the subject trains, executes the material, and the overall “look” of a performance.  The focus in both acro and tumbling is strength, balance, and flexibility but the difference in execution lies in the transition of movement. For many, the difference is described as “Tumbling is a sport and Acrobatics is an art”. For example

A tumbler may run into a round-off back handspring full-twisting back layout, while an acro dancer may perform a softer, more lyrical line, such as an illusion swinging into a cartwheel, back handspring to a heel stretch and tilt a la seconde. Two very impressive passes, with two very distinct “looks” and intentions.

Acro is considered a dance form. Acro is all about lengthening the body and flowing into the tricks using dance moves with very little prep. Acro is designed as a supplement to dance training. There is also no use of apparatus, the dancers ARE the apparatus. It is very common to “stack” or build platforms out of dancers through partnering to create exciting layers within a performance. For dancers, acro is great for adding versatility to your training. Not only will you develop the skills to perform moves like aerials and back handsprings but it will improve your ability to leap and turn in your classes as well.

Tumbling combines strength and flexibility to perform dynamic stunting, and consecutive tumbling skills (combinations) without the use of props or equipment. This includes somersaults, cartwheels, rolls, handsprings, and more. Like Acro tumbling compliments and improves dancers’ technique and skills.

Currently, we offer tumbling from 18th months – teen.  

Currently, we offer acro starting in grade 1.

What payment options do you offer?

You have the option to pay the amount in full or make monthly payments via Etransfers, Check, or Cash. 

Etransfers: Please send etransfers to

You can pay the full amount owing or monthly payments.

For monthly etranfers please let us know what date you will be sending the etransfer.  If you miss sending the etransfer by the date you set up payment needs to be sent ASAP.  If you need to be reminded you will be charged a $10 late fee.  Dance on Broadway reserves the right to change your payment option if more than 1 payment is missed. 

Post Dated Checks: Checks should be written to Dance on Broadway and be dated for either the 1st or 15th of the month.

You should bring a total of 7 checks for monthly payments + 1 check for the volunteer fee if required.

Cash: Must be given directly to Cory Jo Steed.  She will provide you with a written receipt. NO EXCEPTIONS. 

If your child is performing in the year-end show a $50 volunteer deposit is also required. This can be paid upfront by cash, check or etransfer or a post-dated check dated for April 15th. This deposit will be refunded or the check will be torn up after the family has volunteered to help at the year-end show.

Do you offer special funding?

You can apply for funding through the Jumpstart or Kidsport programs.  See the Jumpstart/Kidsport Funding information sheet for more information (listed under the documents tab).

Where can I buy Clogging Shoes?

See the Where to Buy Clogging Shoes information sheet for more information (listed under the documents tab).

Call Us

Cory Jo Steed: 403-795-7333

Email Us


350 E 100 N, Raymond AB